2. SSS英语儿歌MP3(177首)
1. 10 little airplanes.mp3
10. 10 little sailboats.mp3
100. The alphabet is so much fun.mp3
101. Goodbye, my friends.mp3
102. The shape song 1.mp3
103. What do you hear.mp3
104. Make a circle.mp3
105. How is the weather.mp3
106. Hickory dickory crash.mp3
107. Rock scissors paper 3.mp3
108. Skidamarink.mp3
109. Knock knock trick or treat 2.mp3
11. Uh-huh.mp3
110. Where is thumbkin.mp3
111. Hello reindeer.mp3
112. Rock scissors paper 2.mp3
113. Sweet dream.mp3
114. Ten is the bed.mp3
115. Six in the bed (noodle & pals version).mp3
116. We all fall down.mp3
117. See you later alligator.mp3
118. The animals on the farm.mp3
119. Rock scissors paper 1.mp3
12. Peek a boo.mp3
120. Rock scissors paper 4.mp3
121. Knock knock trick or treat 1.mp3
122. The month chant.mp3
123. Five little ducks.mp3
124. Apples and bananas.mp3
125. Bingo.mp3
126. Jack & Jill.mp3
127. Yes I can.mp3
128. Let's go to the zoo.mp3
129. Give me something good to eat.mp3
13. Count and move.mp3
130. Brush your teeth.mp3
131. Mary had a kangaroo.mp3
132. The ice cream song.mp3
133. Walking in the jungle.mp3
134. Pat a cake.mp3
135. Alice the camel.mp3
136. The skeleton dance.mp3
137. Five creepy spiders.mp3
138. The muffin man.mp3
139. Five little speckled frogs.mp3
14. Peekaboo Christmas.mp3
140. Here is the beehive.mp3
141. Humpty dumpty.mp3
142. Little snowflake.mp3
143. Jingle jingle little bell.mp3
144. Peanut butter and jelly.mp3
145. The itsy bitsy spider.mp3
146. I like you.mp3
147. Say cheese.mp3
148. Here we go looby loo (1).mp3
149. Old MacDonald (1).mp3
15.Seven steps.mp3
150. What do you like to do (1).mp3
151. Old MacDonald had a farm (1).mp3
152. What do you want for Christmas (1).mp3
153. Santa (1).mp3
154. Wind the bobbin up (1).mp3
155. The farmer in the dell (1).mp3
156. Santa, where are you (1).mp3
157. The Pinocchio (1).mp3
158. The ants go marching #2 (1).mp3
159. Over the deep blue sea (1).mp3
16. I see something pink.mp3
160. The bees go buzzing (1).mp3
161. Down by the bay 1 (1).mp3
162. A sailor went to sea (1).mp3
163. Down by the spooky bay (1).mp3
164. The twelve days of Christmas (1).mp3
165. Jingle bells.mp3
166. Let's take the subway.mp3
167. Mr. Golden sun.mp3
168. Little bobin redbreast.mp3
169. Down by the bay 3.mp3
17. Hello hello.mp3
170. The ants go marching.mp3
171. There is a hole in the bottom of the sea.mp3
172. I can't remember the words to this song.mp3
173. Decorate the Christmas tree.mp3
174. Down by the bay 2.mp3
175. Take me out to the ball game.mp3
176. Up on the housetop.mp3
177. Eeny Meeny Miny Moe.mp3
18. 10 little tractors.mp3
19. Counting Bananas.mp3
2. 10 little bicycles.mp3
20. The alphabet song.mp3
21. What's this, what's that (1).mp3
22. Peekaboo halloween (1).mp3
23. Count down and move (1).mp3
24. Santa shark (1).mp3
25. The jellyfish (1).mp3
26. Peekaboo playground (1).mp3
27. After a while crocodile (1).mp3
28. Days of the week.mp3
29. Bye bye goodbye.mp3
3. Baby shark.mp3
30. Head shoulders knees and toes (learn it).mp3
31. Head shoulders knees and toes (sing it).mp3
32. Mystery box.mp3
33. Mystery box 2.mp3
34. Mystery box 3.mp3
35. Head shoulders knees and toes (speed up).mp3
36. Head shoulders knees and toes (noodle & pals version).mp3
37. 10 little dinosaurs.mp3
38. 10 little dinosaurs-part 2.mp3
39. Hello.mp3
4. 10 little buses.mp3
40. Hot cross buns.mp3
41. Baby shark halloween.mp3
42. Little fishies.mp3
43. The bath song.mp3
44. Are you hungry.mp3
45. The wheels on the bus.mp3
46. Open shut them.mp3
47. One little finger.mp3
48. Driving in my car.mp3
49. The alphabet chant.mp3
5. Hide and seek.mp3
50. Put on your shoes.mp3
51. five little monkeys.mp3
52. Clean up.mp3
53. Wag your tail.mp3
54. Open shut them #2.mp3
55. Rain rain go away.mp3
56. With my heart.mp3
57. Who took the cookie.mp3
58. Walking walking.mp3
59. 10 little elves.mp3
6. What's your name.mp3
60. Do you like broccoli ice cream.mp3
61. This is the way we go to bed.mp3
62. five little pumpkins.mp3
63. Do you like broccoli ice cream (puppet version).mp3
64. Can you make a happy face.mp3
65. Go away, spooky goblin.mp3
66. Do you like lasagna milkshakes.mp3
67. Go away.mp3
68. This is the way we get dressed.mp3
69. This is the way.mp3
7. Good morning, Mr. Rooster.mp3
70. Red yellow green blue.mp3
71. What's your favorite color.mp3
72. Five little monsters jumping on the bed.mp3
73. Follow me.mp3
74. Do you like pickle pudding.mp3
75. If you're happy and you know it (puppet version).mp3
76. Twinkle twinkle little star.mp3
77. I have a pet.mp3
78. Who took the cookie on the farm.mp3
79. We wish you a Merry Christmas.mp3
8. I see something blue.mp3
80. Row row row your boat.mp3
81. If you're happy and you know it.mp3
82. Skidamarink (puppet version).mp3
83. If you're happy.mp3
84. My teddy bear.mp3
85. This is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp3
86. How many fingers.mp3
87. When the band comes marching in.mp3
88. Hello, my friends.mp3
89. Santa's on his way.mp3
9. One potato, two potato.mp3
90. Red light green light.mp3
91. I'm a little snowman.mp3
92. The wheels on the bus (noodle & pals version).mp3
93. Goodbye snowman.mp3
94. Pass the bean bag.mp3
95. The shape song 2.mp3
96. Open shut them (noodle & pals version).mp3
97. Who took the candy.mp3
98. One for you, one for me.mp3
99. Do you like spaghetti yoghurt.mp3
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