028. 包弼德、傅高义领讲:中国文化课(更新中)
1.01 Puett丨Notions of cosmology in ancient China and how the West got it wrong.m4a
1.01 Puett丨Notions of cosmology in ancient China and how the West got it wrong.pdf
1.01 普鸣丨古代中国的宇宙论概念与西方的误解.m4a
1.01 普鸣丨古代中国的宇宙论概念与西方的误解.pdf
1.02 Puett丨Western philosophies and modernity.m4a
1.02 Puett丨Western philosophies and modernity.pdf
1.02 普鸣丨马克斯·韦伯怎样划分“传统社会”与“现代世界”?.m4a
1.02 普鸣丨马克斯·韦伯怎样划分“传统社会”与“现代世界”?.pdf
1.03 Puett丨Max Weber’s “Big Other”_ China.m4a
1.03 Puett丨Max Weber’s “Big Other”_ China.pdf
1.03 普鸣丨中国:韦伯论述中“大写的他者”.m4a
1.03 普鸣丨中国:韦伯论述中“大写的他者”.pdf
1.04 Puett丨The Axial Age.m4a
1.04 Puett丨The Axial Age.pdf
1.04 普鸣丨轴心时代:为什么宗教和哲学思想会在欧亚大陆各地同时涌现?.m4a
1.04 普鸣丨轴心时代:为什么宗教和哲学思想会在欧亚大陆各地同时涌现?.pdf
1.05 Puett丨The Divine World in the Chinese Bronze Age.m4a
1.05 Puett丨The Divine World in the Chinese Bronze Age.pdf
1.05 普鸣丨中国青铜时代的先祖与神灵.m4a
1.05 普鸣丨中国青铜时代的先祖与神灵.pdf
1.06 Puett丨The collapse of Bronze Age.m4a
1.06 Puett丨The collapse of Bronze Age.pdf
1.06 普鸣丨青铜时代社会的崩塌与哲学运动的兴起.m4a
1.06 普鸣丨青铜时代社会的崩塌与哲学运动的兴起.pdf
1.07 Puett丨Capricious World Early Confucian Thinking.m4a
1.07 Puett丨Capricious World Early Confucian Thinking.pdf
1.07 普鸣丨早期儒家思想:在变幻莫测的世界中谨守礼制.m4a
1.07 普鸣丨早期儒家思想:在变幻莫测的世界中谨守礼制.pdf
1.08 Puett丨Mohism_ The Foundation of Meritocracy.m4a
1.08 Puett丨Mohism_ The Foundation of Meritocracy.pdf
1.08 普鸣丨墨家:以贤治国的奠基者.m4a
1.08 普鸣丨墨家:以贤治国的奠基者.pdf
1.09 Puett丨Daoism_ Overcome the Strong by Being Weak.m4a
1.09 Puett丨Daoism_ Overcome the Strong by Being Weak.pdf
1.09 普鸣丨道家:守柔以克刚.m4a
1.09 普鸣丨道家:守柔以克刚.pdf
1.10 Puett丨A Qi-based Cosmology and its Implications.m4a
1.10 Puett丨A Qi-based Cosmology and its Implications.pdf
1.10 普鸣丨以气为本的宇宙观及其意义.m4a
1.10 普鸣丨以气为本的宇宙观及其意义.pdf
1.11 Puett丨Rethink the Notion of the Modern World.m4a
1.11 Puett丨Rethink the Notion of the Modern World.pdf
1.11 普鸣丨对现代社会意涵的反思.m4a
1.11 普鸣丨对现代社会意涵的反思.pdf
1.12 Puett丨Cosmology in Ancient Greece.m4a
1.12 Puett丨Cosmology in Ancient Greece.pdf
1.12 普鸣丨重新认识东西方世界的发展轨迹.m4a
1.12 普鸣丨重新认识东西方世界的发展轨迹.pdf
1.13 Puett丨A World of Sacrifice and Divination.m4a
1.13 Puett丨A World of Sacrifice and Divination.pdf
1.13 普鸣丨青铜时代古希腊的宇宙观.m4a
1.13 普鸣丨青铜时代古希腊的宇宙观.pdf
1.14 Puett丨The Axial Age in Ancient Greece.m4a
1.14 Puett丨The Axial Age in Ancient Greece.pdf
1.14 普鸣丨走进铁器时代:哲学的出现.m4a
1.14 普鸣丨走进铁器时代:哲学的出现.pdf
1.15 Puett丨The Pre-Socratics_ Early Cosmological Formulations.m4a
1.15 Puett丨The Pre-Socratics_ Early Cosmological Formulations.pdf
1.15 普鸣丨前苏格拉底哲学家:早期的宇宙生成论.m4a
1.15 普鸣丨前苏格拉底哲学家:早期的宇宙生成论.pdf
1.16 Puett丨Plato_ Philosophy as Contemplation of Transcendental Forms.m4a
1.16 Puett丨Plato_ Philosophy as Contemplation of Transcendental Forms.pdf
1.16 普鸣丨柏拉图:以超验的形式作为哲学的思考对象.m4a
1.16 普鸣丨柏拉图:以超验的形式作为哲学的思考对象.pdf
1.17 Puett丨Aristotle_ Empiricism and the Mean.m4a
1.17 Puett丨Aristotle_ Empiricism and the Mean.pdf
1.17 普鸣丨亚里士多德:经验主义与“中道思想”.m4a
1.17 普鸣丨亚里士多德:经验主义与“中道思想”.pdf
1.18 Puett丨Cosmology and Ethics among the Stoics.m4a
1.18 Puett丨Cosmology and Ethics among the Stoics.pdf
1.18 普鸣丨斯多葛学派的宇宙观与伦理观.m4a
1.18 普鸣丨斯多葛学派的宇宙观与伦理观.pdf
1.19 Puett丨Re-thinking the Comparative Implications of Early Cosmologies.m4a
1.19 Puett丨Re-thinking the Comparative Implications of Early Cosmologies.pdf
1.19 普鸣丨反思早期宇宙论的比较研究.m4a
1.19 普鸣丨反思早期宇宙论的比较研究.pdf
2.1 Kuriyama丨Why does Medicine Have a History?.m4a
2.1 Kuriyama丨Why does Medicine Have a History?.pdf
2.1 栗山茂久丨为什么医学也有历史?.m4a
2.1 栗山茂久丨为什么医学也有历史?.pdf
2.2 Kuriyama丨Gaining Access to an Unknown Body.m4a
2.2 Kuriyama丨Gaining Access to an Unknown Body.pdf
2.2 栗山茂久丨中西医的基本共通点:了解未知的身体.m4a
2.2 栗山茂久丨中西医的基本共通点:了解未知的身体.pdf
2.3 Kuriyama丨Structure of Medical History.m4a
2.3 Kuriyama丨Structure of Medical History.pdf
2.3 栗山茂久丨中西医的基本共通点:医学史的框架.m4a
2.3 栗山茂久丨中西医的基本共通点:医学史的框架.pdf
2.4 Kuriyama丨The Power of the Environment.m4a
2.4 Kuriyama丨The Power of the Environment.pdf
2.4 栗山茂久丨中西医的基本共通点:重视环境因素.m4a
2.4 栗山茂久丨中西医的基本共通点:重视环境因素.pdf
2.5 Kuriyama Differences Between Chinese and Western Medicine.pdf
2.5 Kuriyama丨Differences Between Chinese and Western Medicine_ Sense of Self.m4a
2.5 栗山茂久 中西医之间的差异:自我感知.pdf
2.5 栗山茂久丨中西医之间的差异:自我感知.m4a
2.6 Kuriyama Differences Between Chinese and Western.pdf
2.6 Kuriyama丨Differences Between Chinese and Western Medicine_ Ways of Seeing.m4a
2.6 栗山茂久丨中西医之间的差异:观察方式.m4a
2.6 栗山茂久丨中西医之间的差异:观察方式.pdf
2.7 Kuriyama丨Differences Between Chinese and Western Medicine.pdf
2.7 Kuriyama丨Differences Between Chinese and Western Medicine_Types of Anxiety.m4a
2.7 栗山茂久丨中西医之间的差异:两种不同的担忧.m4a
2.7 栗山茂久丨中西医之间的差异:两种不同的担忧.pdf
2.8 Kurayama丨The Great Forgetting.m4a
2.8 Kurayama丨The Great Forgetting.pdf
2.8 栗山茂久丨西医传统的“大遗忘”.m4a
2.8 栗山茂久丨西医传统的“大遗忘”.pdf
2.9 Kuriyama丨Modern Medicine and the New Emphasis on Relaxation.m4a
2.9 Kuriyama丨Modern Medicine and the New Emphasis.pdf
2.9 栗山茂久丨现代医学:对放松的追求.m4a
2.9 栗山茂久丨现代医学:对放松的追求.pdf
3 Peter Bol丨Tools of Government-喜马拉雅.pdf
3.1 Peter Bol丨Why Should We here in the U.S. Care about China’s History_.m4a
3.1 Peter Bol丨Why Should We here in the U.S. Care about China’s History_.pdf
3.1 包弼德丨中国的历史,世界的经验.m4a
3.1 包弼德丨中国的历史,世界的经验.pdf
3.10 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ The Formation of the Elite in the Song.m4a
3.10 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ The Formation of the Elite in the Song.pdf
3.10 包弼德x韩明士 _ 宋代士人的组成及其历史意义.m4a
3.10 包弼德x韩明士 _ 宋代士人的组成及其历史意义.pdf
3.11 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ Local Lineages and Family Strategies.m4a
3.11 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ Local Lineages and Family Strategies.pdf
3.11 包弼德x韩明士 _ 地方宗族与家庭策略.m4a
3.11 包弼德x韩明士 _ 地方宗族与家庭策略.pdf
3.12 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ The Difference between the North and the South.m4a
3.12 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ The Difference between the North and the South.pdf
3.12 包弼德x韩明士 _ 南北差异与宗教信仰.m4a
3.12 包弼德x韩明士 _ 南北差异与宗教信仰.pdf
3.13 Peter Bol丨Meritocracy (I)_ Its Historical Significance and the Definition.m4a
3.13 Peter Bol丨Meritocracy (I)_ Its Historical Significance and the Definition.pdf
3.13 包弼德 _ 精英政治(一):历史价值与精英的定义.m4a
3.13 包弼德 _ 精英政治(一):历史价值与精英的定义.pdf
3.14 Peter Bol丨Meritocracy (II)_ The Civil Examination System and Significance.m4a
3.14 Peter Bol丨Meritocracy (II)_ The Civil Examination System and Significance.pdf
3.14 包弼德 _ 精英政治(二):北宋初年的科举制度及其意义.m4a
3.14 包弼德 _ 精英政治(二):北宋初年的科举制度及其意义.pdf
3.15 Peter Bol丨Meritocracy (III)_ Revise the Civil Examination System.m4a
3.15 Peter Bol丨Meritocracy (III)_ Revise the Civil Examination System.pdf
3.15 包弼德 _ 精英政治(三):改善科举的各种尝试.m4a
3.15 包弼德 _ 精英政治(三):改善科举的各种尝试.pdf
3.16 Peter Bol Meritocracy (IV) Zhu Xi’s Thoughts.pdf
3.16 Peter Bol丨Meritocracy (IV)_ Zhu Xi’s Thoughts.m4a
3.16 包弼德 精英政治(四) 朱熹的思想与科举制度.pdf
3.16 包弼德 _ 精英政治(四):朱熹的思想与科举制度.m4a
3.17 Peter Bol and James Hankins Neo-Confucianism and Humanism in Renaissance.pdf
3.17 Peter Bol and James Hankins _ Neo-Confucianism and Humanism in Renaissance.m4a
3.17 包弼德x汉金斯 宋明新儒家与意大利文艺复兴时期的人文主义.pdf
3.17 包弼德x汉金斯 _ 宋明新儒家与意大利文艺复兴时期的人文主义.m4a
3.18 Peter Bol and James Hankins From Liberal Arts to a Humanist Education.pdf
3.18 Peter Bol and James Hankins _ From Liberal Arts to a Humanist Education.m4a
3.19 Peter Bol and James Hankins Social Mobility and Cultivation.pdf
3.19 Peter Bol and James Hankins _ Social Mobility and Cultivation.m4a
3.19 包弼德x汉金斯 人文主义的社会流动与人才培育.pdf
3.19 包弼德x汉金斯 _ 人文主义的社会流动与人才培育.m4a
3.2 Peter Bol丨Government and Rulership.m4a
3.2 Peter Bol丨Government and Rulership.pdf
3.2 包弼德丨政权与统治.m4a
3.2 包弼德丨政权与统治.pdf
3.20 Peter Bol and James Hankins Differences in Governance and Education.pdf
3.20 Peter Bol and James Hankins _ Differences in Governance and Education.m4a
3.20 包弼德x汉金斯 中国历史与文艺复兴以后的意大利的对照:管治与教化的区别.pdf
3.20 包弼德x汉金斯 _ 中国历史与文艺复兴以后的意大利的对照:管治与教化的区别.m4a
3.21 Peter Bol The Impact of Silver in the Late Ming.pdf
3.21 Peter Bol _ The Impact of Silver in the Late Ming.m4a
3.21 包弼德 航海时代 晚明白银的涌入.pdf
3.21 包弼德 _ 航海时代:晚明白银的涌入.m4a
3.22 Peter Bol The Influx of Silver and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty.pdf
3.22 Peter Bol _ The Influx of Silver and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty.m4a
3.22 包弼德 白银的进入与明朝的灭亡.pdf
3.22 包弼德 _ 白银的进入与明朝的灭亡.m4a
3.3 Peter Bol丨Tools of Government.m4a
3.3 包弼德丨古代中国的统治手段.m4a
3.3 包弼德丨古代中国的统治手段.pdf
3.4 Peter Bol丨Education and Culture.m4a
3.4 Peter Bol丨Education and Culture.pdf
3.4 包弼德丨教育与文化.m4a
3.4 包弼德丨教育与文化.pdf
3.5 Peter Bol丨What are the books in which we can find guidance?.m4a
3.5 Peter Bol丨What are the books in which we can find guidance?.pdf
3.5 包弼德丨教育的依据与本质.m4a
3.5 包弼德丨教育的依据与本质.pdf
3.6 包弼德丨秦汉:中华帝国的初创.m4a
3.6 包弼德丨秦汉:中华帝国的初创.pdf
3.7 Peter Bol丨 The Recreation of Empire in Tang China.m4a
3.7 Peter Bol丨 The Recreation of Empire in Tang China.pdf
3.7 包弼德丨唐朝:中华帝国的重塑.m4a
3.7 包弼德丨唐朝:中华帝国的重塑.pdf
3.8 Peter Bol丨 From Early Imperial to Later Imperial China.m4a
3.8 Peter Bol丨 From Early Imperial to Later Imperial China.pdf
3.8 包弼德丨北宋:早期帝国走向晚期帝国.m4a
3.8 包弼德丨北宋:早期帝国走向晚期帝国.pdf
3.9 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ How to Approach Chinese History.m4a
3.9 Peter Bol and Robert Hymes _ How to Approach Chinese History.pdf
3.9 包弼德对谈韩明士 _ 如何研究中国历史.m4a
3.9 包弼德对谈韩明士 _ 如何研究中国历史.pdf
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