2.持续更新,认准 拼多多【有家知识库】 其他店铺盗用本店资源是没有售后保障的!
02-泛听英文儿歌-481首 1-3岁歌曲熏陶
0556.动物大游行—Six Little Ducks.MP3
0557.动物大游行—Animals, Animals.MP3
0558.动物大游行—Old MacDonald Had a Farm.MP3
0559.动物大游行—Animal Song.MP3
0560.动物大游行—Little Peter Rabbit.MP3
0561.动物大游行—Gobble, Gobble.MP3
0562.动物大游行—Five Little Chickens.MP3
0563.动物大游行—Baa, Baa Black Sheep.MP3
0564.动物大游行—Sweetly Sings the Donkey.MP3
0566.动物大游行—The Old Gray Mare.MP3
0567.动物大游行—Did You Feed My Cow_.MP3
0568.动物大游行—Bill Grogan's Goat.MP3
0569.动物大游行—Three Little Piggies.MP3
0571.动物大游行—I Love Little Kitty.MP3
0572.动物大游行—Bought Me a Cat.MP3
0573.动物大游行—Five Little Ducks.MP3
0574.动物大游行—I Caught a Fish.MP3
0575.动物大游行—Five Little Fishies.MP3
0576.动物大游行—The Swan.MP3
0577.动物大游行—The Turtle.MP3
0578.动物大游行—The Snake.MP3
0579.动物大游行—Cackle, Cackle.MP3
0580.动物大游行—Little Green Frog.MP3
0581.动物大游行—The Mosquito.MP3
0582.动物大游行—Mister Rabbit.MP3
0584.动物大游行—Baby Bumblebee.MP3
0585.动物大游行—Here Is the Beehive.MP3
0586.动物大游行—Nobody Likes Me.MP3
0588.动物大游行—The Caterpillar.MP3
0589.动物大游行—Eentsy, Weentsy Spider.MP3
0590.动物大游行—The Snail.MP3
0591.动物大游行—The Boll Weevil.MP3
0592.动物大游行—The Ants Go Marching.MP3
0593.动物大游行—Up,Up in the Sky.MP3
0594.动物大游行—Two Little Blackbirds.MP3
0595.动物大游行—Little Bird.MP3
0596.动物大游行—Little Jenny Wren.MP3
0598.动物大游行—The Owl.MP3
0599.动物大游行—Three Blue Pigeons.MP3
0600.动物大游行—The Old Man.MP3
0601.动物大游行—The Cuckoo.MP3
0602.动物大游行—Squirrel, Squirrel.MP3
0603.动物大游行—The Little Skunk's Hole.MP3
0604.动物大游行—Rabbit Ain't Got No Tail.MP3
0605.动物大游行—Raccoon Has a Bushy Tail.MP3
0606.动物大游行—Little Bunny Foo Foo.MP3
0607.动物大游行—The Bear Went Over the Mountain.MP3
0608.动物大游行—Fuzzy Wuzzy.MP3
0609.动物大游行—Grizzly Bear.MP3
0610.动物大游行—Goin' to the Zoo.MP3
0611.动物大游行—At the Zoo.MP3
0612.动物大游行—The Lion.MP3
0613.动物大游行—The Hippopotamus and the Rhinoceros.MP3
0614.动物大游行—The Ostrich.MP3
0615.动物大游行—One Elephant Went Out to Play.MP3
0616.动物大游行—The Elephant.MP3
0617.动物大游行—Three Little Monkeys.MP3
0618.动物大游行—Five Little Monkeys.MP3
0619.动物大游行—The Monkey and the Zebra.MP3
0620.动物大游行—The Tiger.MP3
0621.动物大游行—The Giraffe.MP3
0622.动物大游行—The Duck and the Kangaroo.MP3
0624.动物大游行—Animal Action.MP3
0625.动物大游行—The Animal Parade.MP3
0626.A Cat Came Fiddling Out Of A Barn.mp3
0627.Hickory Dickory Dock.mp3
0628.Blow Wind Blow! And Go Mill Go!.mp3
0629.Dr. Foster Went To Gloucester.mp3
0630.The North Wind Doth Blow.mp3
0631.Sally Go Round The Sun.mp3
0632.Old King Cole.mp3
0633.There Was An Old Woman.mp3
0634.Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush.mp3
0635.Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.mp3
0636.Lucy Locket Lost Her Pocket.mp3
0637.Hey Diddle Diddle.mp3
0638.Higgledy Piggledy, My Black Hen.mp3
0639.Two Little Dicky Birds.mp3
0640.Goosey, Goosey Gander.mp3
0641.Cackle, Cackle, Mother Goose.mp3
0642.Dance To Your Daddy.mp3
0643.One, Two, Three, Four, Five.mp3
0644.Little Bo-Peep Has Lost Her Sheep.mp3
0645.Mary Had A Little Lamb.mp3
0646.Baa, Baa Black Sheep.mp3
0647.Old Mother Hubbard.mp3
0648.Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone.mp3
0649.Hark, Hark, The Dogs Do Bark.mp3
0650.Girls And Boys, Come Out To Play.mp3
0651.Wee Willie Winkie.mp3
0652.I Saw A Ship A-Sailling.mp3
0653.It's Raining, It's Pouring.mp3
0654.Incy Wincy Spider.mp3
0655.Three Blind Mice.mp3
0656.Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat.mp3
0657.Ride A Cock-Horse To Banbury Cross.mp3
0659.Polly, Put The Kettle On.mp3
0660.Little Tommy Tucker.mp3
0661.Oranges And Lemons.mp3
0662.See-Saw, Margery Daw.mp3
0663.Georgie Porgie, Pudding And Pie.mp3
0664.Jack And Jill Went Up The Hill.mp3
0665.Round And Round The Garden.mp3
0666.Here Am I.mp3
0667.Jack Be Nimble.mp3
0668.Dickery, Dickery, Dare.mp3
0669.Hush-A-Bye, Baby.mp3
0670.I Had A Little Nut Tree.mp3
0671.Thiss Little Pig Went To Market.mp3
0672.Tom, Tom The Piper's Son.mp3
0673.To Market, To Market, To Buy A Fat Pig.mp3
0674.Pease Porridge Hot.mp3
0675.Pop Goes The Weasel.mp3
0676.Hot Cross Buns.mp3
0677.Pat-A-Cake, Pat-A-Cake.mp3
0678.Little Boy Blue.mp3
0679.Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling.mp3
0680.There Was An Old Woman.mp3
0681.Oh, The Grand Old Duke Of York.mp3
0682.Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall.mp3
0683.Lavender's Blue, Dilly, Dilly.mp3
0684.Ring-A-Ring O' Roses.mp3
0685.Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary.mp3
0686.Roses Are Red.mp3
0687.Little Jack Horner.mp3
0688.Simple Simon Met A Pieman.mp3
0689.One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.mp3
0690.Bobby Shafto's Gone To Sea.mp3
0691.Row, Row, Row Your Boat.mp3
0692.There Was A Crooked Man.mp3
0693.Barber, Barber, Shave A Pig.mp3
0695.Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe.mp3
0696.Yankee Doodle Went To Town.mp3
0697.One Misty, Moisty Morning.mp3
0698.Little Miss Muffet.mp3
0699.Ding, Dong, Bell.mp3
0700.I Love Little Pussy.mp3
0701.Six Little Mice Sat Down To Spin.mp3
0702.Good Night, Sleep Tight.mp3
0703.I See The Moon.mp3
0704.Star Light, Star Bright.mp3
0705.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp3
0706.The Man In The Moon.mp3
0707.Rock-A-Bye, Baby.mp3
0708.How Man Miles To Babylon.mp3
0709.温馨童谣—To Babyland.mp3
0710.温馨童谣—The Baby's Dance.mp3
0711.温馨童谣—A, B, C.mp3
0713.温馨童谣—Hickory, Dickory, Dock.mp3
0714.温馨童谣—Round the Garden.mp3
0715.温馨童谣— 'Round and 'Round.mp3
0716.温馨童谣—Little Flea.mp3
0718.温馨童谣—Slowly, Slowly.mp3
0719.温馨童谣—Head and Shoulders.mp3
0720.温馨童谣—Knock, Knock.mp3
0721.温馨童谣—Two Little Eyes.mp3
0722.温馨童谣—This Little Pig Went to Market.mp3
0723.温馨童谣—Baby's Face.mp3
0724.温馨童谣—Tummy Button.mp3
0725.温馨童谣—Baby's Clothes.mp3
0726.温馨童谣—All for Baby.mp3
0727.温馨童谣—Baby Bye.mp3
0728.温馨童谣—Open Them, Shut Them.mp3
0729.温馨童谣—The Family.mp3
0730.温馨童谣—Whoops, Johnny!.mp3
0731.温馨童谣—Dance Your Fingers.mp3
0732.温馨童谣—Clap Along with Me.mp3
0733.温馨童谣—Clap Your Hands.mp3
0735.温馨童谣—Pease Porridge Hot.mp3
0736.温馨童谣—I can Fly.mp3
0737.温馨童谣—The Clock.mp3
0738.温馨童谣—Pop! Goes the Weasel.mp3
0739.温馨童谣—To Market, To Market.mp3
0740.温馨童谣—Shoe a Little Horse.mp3
0741.温馨童谣—Ride a Little Pony.mp3
0742.温馨童谣—This is the way Ladies Ride.mp3
0743.温馨童谣—Trit, Trot.mp3
0744.温馨童谣—Trot to Boston.mp3
0745.温馨童谣—Trot, Trot, Trot.mp3
0746.温馨童谣—Walking, Walking.mp3
0747.温馨童谣—I took a Walk.mp3
0748.温馨童谣—Let's Take a Walk.mp3
0749.温馨童谣—Ring around the Rosy.mp3
0750.温馨童谣—Dance to your Daddy.mp3
0751.温馨童谣—Dance a Baby Diddy.mp3
0752.温馨童谣—This is the Way we Take a Bath.mp3
0753.温馨童谣—Splashing in the Bath.mp3
0754.温馨童谣—Baby's Nap.mp3
0755.温馨童谣—Rosy, My Posy.mp3
0756.温馨童谣—Rock-a-Bye, Baby.mp3
0757.温馨童谣— German Cradle Song.mp3
0758.温馨童谣—Rock-a My Dolly.mp3
0759.我在铁路工作过 I've Been Working On the Railroad.mp3
0760.五只鸭子 Five Little Ducks.mp3
0761.字母歌 The Alphabet Song.mp3
0762.宾果 BINGO.mp3
0763.大石头糖果山 Big Rock Candy Mountain.mp3
0764.鼬鼠跳 Pop Goes the Weasel.mp3
0765.喂,喂,喔,玩伴 Say, Say Oh Playmate.mp3
0766.多彩多姿 De Colores.mp3
0767.大黄蜂 Bumblebee.mp3
0768.五只有斑纹小青蛙 Five Little Speckled Frogs.mp3
0769.一,二 系鞋带 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe.mp3
0770.她就要绕过山路来这里了 She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain.mp3
0771.捡到花生 Found A Peaunt.mp3
0772.帕夫,神龙 Puff the Magic Dragon.mp3
0773.云雀 Alouette.mp3
0774.小彼德兔 Little Peter Rabbit.mp3
0775.谁从饼干罐偷走饼干? Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar.mp3
0776.四只小猴子 Monkeys on the Bed.mp3
0777.苹果和香蕉 Apples & Bananas.mp3
0778.蟑螂 La Cucaracha.mp3
0779.做动作 Hokey Pokey.mp3
0780.王老先生有块田 Old MacDonald.mp3
0781.水牛女孩 Buffalo Gals.mp3
0782.约翰杰可琴烈门史密特 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp3
0783.山谷下 Down in the Valley.mp3
0784.蚂蚁行进 Ants Go Marching In.mp3
0785.你可以把耳朵压低吗? Do Your Ears Hang Low.mp3
0786.公车的轮子 Wheels on the Bus.mp3
0787.如果你发现你很高兴 If You're Happy and You Know It.mp3
0788.喔当圣人走过来时 Oh When the Saints Go Marching In.mp3
0789.伦敦大桥 London Bridges.mp3
0790.善待你的朋友 Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends.mp3
0791.山谷中的农夫 Farmer in the Dell.mp3
0792.你有没有看见一位姑娘 Have You Ever Seen a Lassie.mp3
0793.红河谷 Red River Valley.mp3
0794.笑翠鸟 Kookaburra.mp3
0795.划呀,划呀,划船 Row, Row, Row Your Boat.mp3
0796.古老威尔斯曲 Suo Gan.mp3
0797.跟着爹地跳舞 Dance To Your Daddy.mp3
0798.莫宁城之旅 Morningtown Ride.mp3
0799.小男孩布鲁 Little Boy Blue.mp3
0800.葡萄干和杏仁 Raisins & Almonds.mp3
0801.乖乖睡 Fais Dodo (Go To Sleep).mp3
0802.再见,宝贝 Bye, Baby Bunting.mp3
0803.乖乖睡,我的宝贝 Hush Now, My Baby.mp3
0804.大家晚安 Goodnight To You All.mp3
0805.乖乖睡宝贝 Rock-A-Bye Baby.mp3
0806.夏日时光 Summertime.mp3
0807.丛林流浪 Waltzing Matilda.mp3
0808.婴儿床是银色的月亮 Baby's Bed A Silver Moon.mp3
0809.安静,小宝贝 Hush Little Baby.mp3
0810.乖乖睡,宝贝 Rock-a-bye Baby.mp3
0811.一闪一闪小星星 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.mp3
0812.迷人的夜晚 Lovely Evening.mp3
0813.鹅妈妈摇篮曲 Mother Goose Lullaby.mp3
0814.莫札特摇篮曲 Mozart's Lullaby.mp3
0815.美丽小马 All The Pretty Little Horses.mp3
0816.金色梦乡 Golden Slumbers.mp3
0817.睡吧,宝贝,睡吧 Sleep, Baby Sleep.mp3
0818.甜甜地睡 Sweetly Sleep.mp3
0819.告诉我为什么 Tell Me Why.mp3
0820.眨眼,眨眼 Winkum, Winkum.mp3
0821.康巴 Kumbaya.mp3
0822.让我们平平静静 Dona Nobis Pacem.mp3
0823.一夜到天明 All Through the Night.mp3
0824.六只小鸭 Six Little Ducks.mp3
0825.唱一首六便士之歌 Sing a Song of Sixpence.mp3
0826.滴答滴答钟声响 Hickory Dickory Dock.mp3
0827.我是一个小茶壶 I'm A Little Teapot.mp3
0828.可爱的小蜘蛛 Itsy Bitsy Spider.mp3
0829.乔治波吉 Georgie Porgie.mp3
0830.十只猴子在床上 Ten Monkeys in the Bed.mp3
0831.航海 Rub-A-Dub-Dub.mp3
0832.史科达马瑞 Skidamarink.mp3
0833.原野上 Over In The Meadow.mp3
0834.矮胖子 Humpty Dumpty.mp3
0835.一个老先生 This Old Man.mp3
0836.一个驼背的人 There Was A Crooked Man.mp3
0837.玛莉有只小绵羊 Mary Had A Little Lamb.mp3
0838.贝蒂玻特 Betty Botter.mp3
0839.小傻瓜 Diddle Diddle Dumpling.mp3
0840.嗨,真奇怪 Hey Diddle Diddle.mp3
0841.三只瞎老鼠 Three Blind Mice.mp3
0842.老国王高尔 Old King Cole.mp3
0843.玛莉,玛莉 Mary, Mary.mp3
0844.做蛋糕 Pat-A-Cake.mp3
0845.雅克兄弟 Frere Jacques.mp3
0846.佛斯特医生 Dr. Foster.mp3
0847.下雨,下起倾盆大雨 It's Raining, It's Pouring.mp3
0848.小波比 Little Bo Peep.mp3
0849.去圣艾芙 Going to St. Ives.mp3
0850.我有一棵小坚果树 Little Nut Tree.mp3
0851.桑树 Mulberry Bush.mp3
0852.咩咩黑绵羊 Baa Baa Black Sheep.mp3
0853.有一个老太太 There Was An Old Woman.mp3
0854.猫头鹰和小猫咪 The Owl and The Pussycat.mp3
0855.蓝色薰衣草 Lavender's Blue.mp3
0856.眨眼,闪烁和点头 Wynkyn, Blynkyn and Nod.mp3
0857.我们走吧 Let’s Go.mp3
0858.波莉多利都朵 Polly Wolly Doodle.mp3
0859.玛达丽娜·卡塔莉娜 Madalina Catalina.mp3
0860.把它扔到窗外 Throw it out the Window.mp3
0861.去猎熊 Going on a Bear Hunt.mp3
0862.在意大利面的上面 On Top of Spaghetti.mp3
0863.水手出海 A Sailor Went to Sea.mp3
0864.噢!苏珊娜 Oh! Susanna.mp3
0865.你是我的阳光 You are My Sunshine.mp3
0866.旧牙刷 The Old Family Toothbrush.mp3
0867.用吸管喝果酒 Sippin’ Cider through a Straw.mp3
0868.我的小狗在哪里 Oh Where,Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone_.mp3
0869.我爱大山 I Love the Mountains.mp3
0870.天然游泳池 Swiiming Hole.mp3
0871.鸵鸟歌 The Ostrich Song.mp3
0872.飘在风中 Blowin’ in the Wind.mp3
0873.叽喀叽喀碰碰 Boom Chicka Boom.mp3
0874.扬基歌 Yankee Doodle.mp3
0875.玛丽·安·麦卡蒂 Mary Ann McCarty.mp3
0876.克莱曼婷 Clementine.mp3
0877.不会再下雨了 Aint’ Gonna Rain No More.mp3
0878.桶里有个洞 There’s A Hole in the Bucket.mp3
0879.千足虫 1000 Legged Worm.mp3
0880.山腰上的家 Home on the Range.mp3
0881.我的邦妮漂洋过海 My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.mp3
0882.去摩洛小镇 To Morrow.mp3
0883.摇篮曲 Brezairola Lullaby.mp3
0884.耶稣,人们仰望喜悦 Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring.mp3
0885.勃拉姆斯的摇篮曲 Brahms’ Lullaby.mp3
0886.天鹅 The Swan.mp3
0887.韩塞尔与葛雷特 Hansel & Gretel.mp3
0888.交响曲 Largo from Symphony #9.mp3
0889.圣母颂1 Ave Maria 1.mp3
0890.D大调卡农 Canon in D.mp3
0891.绿树成荫 Ombra Mai Fu-Xerxes.mp3
0892.赞美月亮 Hymn to the Moon.mp3
0893.睡下,小家伙 Sleep On, Little One.mp3
0894.白天已经过去 Now the Day is Over.mp3
0895.黄昏颂歌 Evening Hymn.mp3
0896.月光 Claire de Lune.mp3
0897.圣母颂2 Ave Maria 2.mp3
0898.小孩子 Little Children.mp3
0899.月光奏鸣曲 Moonlight Sonata.mp3
0900.莫扎特的摇篮曲 Mozart’s Lullaby.mp3
0901.圣诞老人来了 Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.mp3
0902.圣诞节的祝福 Merry Christmas Greeting.mp3
0903.圣诞颂歌 A Holly Jolly Christmas.mp3
0904.爬上屋顶 Up on the Housetop.mp3
0905.铃儿响叮当 Jingle Bells.mp3
0906.结霜的雪人 Frosty the Snowman.mp3
0907.圣诞快乐-西班牙语和瑞典语 Merry Christmas- Spanish & Swedish.mp3
0908.小鼓手 The Little Drummer Boy.mp3
0909.鲁道夫,红色鼻子的驯鹿 Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.mp3
0910.上帝保佑你,先生们 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen.mp3
0911.圣诞快乐-葡萄牙和纳瓦霍语 Merry Christmas- Portuguese & Navajo.mp3
0912.我过圣诞节没有收到礼物 I’m Gettin Nuttin’ for Christmas.mp3
0913.圣诞节之爱 Love Came Down at Christmas.mp3
0914.欢乐圣诞 Deck the Hall.mp3
0915.格林奇先生,你是小气鬼 You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch.mp3
0916.圣诞快乐-法国和意大利 Merry Christmas- French & Italian.mp3
0917.我们祝你圣诞快乐 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.mp3
0918.我看见三只船 I Saw Three Ships.mp3
0919.我们欢乐歌唱 Here We Come-A-Caroling.mp3
0920.高山上的呼喊 Go Tell It On the Mountain.mp3
0921.噢圣诞树 O Christmas Tree.mp3
0922.我们需要过一个圣诞 We Need A Little Christmas.mp3
0923.祝大家圣诞快乐 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.mp3
0924.芭比之圣诞颂歌 Jolly Old St. Nicholas.mp3
0925.圣诞快乐-日本和夏威夷 Merry Christmas- Japanese & Hawaiian.mp3
0926.白色圣诞节 White Christmas.mp3
0927.威利袋熊的故事 Story - Willy the Wombat’s....mp3
0928.基督教赞美诗 In the Bleak Midwinter.mp3
0929.天使在歌唱 Angels We Have Heard on High.mp3
0930.马槽圣婴 Away in a Manger.mp3
0931.圣诞节前夜 Twas the Night Before Christmas.mp3
0932.小伯利恒之歌 O Little Town of Bethlehem.mp3
0933.孩子们看见了他 Some Children See Him.mp3
0934.圣诞快乐-德语 Merry Christmas- German.mp3
0935.平安夜 Silent Night.mp3
0936.圣诞歌 The Christmas Song.mp3
0937.这个老人 This Old Man (Knick-Knack Patty-Whack).mp3
0938.我在铁路上工作 I've Been Working on the Railroad.mp3
0939.三只瞎老鼠 Three Blind Mice.mp3
0940.噢,苏珊娜Oh, Susanna.mp3
0941.空中特技飞人The Man on the Flying Trapeze.mp3
0942.蓝色大苍蝇(吉米吃玉米)The Blue-Tailed Fly (Jimmie, Crack Corn).mp3
0943.信一定会到达The Mail Must Go Through.mp3
0944.牧场上的家Home on the Range.mp3
0945.雨不再下了It Ain't Gonna Rain No More.mp3
0946.两人脚踏车A Bicycle Built for Two.mp3
0947.玛丽有只小绵羊Mary Had a Little Lamb.mp3
0948.带我去看球赛Take Me Out to the Ball Game.mp3
0949.给小朋友的摇篮曲Friends Lullaby.mp3
0950.王老先生有块田Old MacDonald.mp3
0951.呵吉-啵吉舞The Hokey Pokey.mp3
0952.她会从山上回来She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain.mp3
0953.十个印第安男孩Ten Little Indians.mp3
0954.绿草地 The Green Grass Grew All Around.mp3
0955.美好的夏日时光In the Good, Old Summertime.mp3
0956.动物赶集Animal Fair.mp3
0957.划船歌Row, Row, Row Your Boat.mp3
0958.我是警察I'm a Policeman.mp3
0959.蹦!黄鼠狼跑啦Pop Goes the Weasel.mp3
0961.小星星Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp3
0962.山谷的农夫The Farmer in the Dell.mp3
0963.洋基佬进城了(农夫歌)Yankee Doodle.mp3
0964.在老烟山上On Top of Old Smoky.mp3
0965.航海组曲Sailing Medley.mp3
0966.凯卜镇赛马Camptown Races.mp3
0967.老狗布布Old Blue.mp3
0968.欢乐噜的噜Here We Go Loopty-Loo.mp3
0969.漫步在纽约 The Sidewalks of New York.mp3
0970.脆饼歌Short'nin' Bread.mp3
0971.名字歌John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp3
0973.熊儿翻过山The Bear Went Over the Mountain.mp3
0974.红河谷Red River Valley.mp3
0975.跟我来Skip to My Lou.mp3
0976.失望泥河Swanee River.mp3
0977.西部组曲Western Medley- The Yellow Rose of Texas-Buffalo Gals.mp3
0978.伦敦大桥垮下来London Bridge.mp3
0979.我们围着桑葚树Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.mp3
0980.两只老虎Frère Jacques.mp3
0981.推土车之歌The Dump Truck Song.mp3
0983.宝儿娃儿多多Polly Wolly Doodle.mp3
0984.老姑婆There Was an Old Lady.mp3
0985.萝卜汤Carrot Stew.mp3
0986.当圣徒行进时 When the Saints Go Marching In.mp3
0987.如果你发现你很高兴 If You're Happy and You Know It.mp3
0988.嘘,别闹了苍蝇 Shoo Fly,Don't Bother Me.mp3
0989.噢,亲爱的,怎么啦?Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be-.mp3
0990.运动组曲Activity Medley.mp3
0991.别出声,小宝贝Hush Little Baby.mp3
0992.你有没有看见一个小姑娘Did You Every See a Lassie-.mp3
0993.祖父的老钟Grandfather's Clock.mp3
0995.麦克,划向岸Michael, Row the Boat Ashore.mp3
0996.云雀 Alouette.mp3
0997.鹅妈妈对不起With Apologies to Mother Goose.mp3
0998.山顶的小美人儿Sweet Betsy from Pike.mp3
0999.穿过森林和小河Over the River and Through the Woods.mp3
1000.比利男孩Billy Boy.mp3
1001.童谣组曲Nursery Rhyme Medley.mp3
1002.字母歌(abc歌)Alphabet Song.mp3
1003.为什么事情会如此 Why Do They Make Things Like They Do.mp3
1004.洛蒙湖Loch Lomond.mp3
1005.我们去打猎A-Hunting We Will Go.mp3
1006.山谷下Down in the Valley.mp3
1007.玛蒂达的华尔兹Waltzing Matilda [Australian Folk Song].mp3
1008.只为你Just for You.mp3
1009.晚安女士Good Night, Ladies.mp3
1010.我的小狗在哪里?Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone-.mp3
1011.公车上的轮子 The Wheels on the Bus.mp3
1012.你可以把耳朵压低吗?Do Your Ears Hang Low?.mp3
1013.小骨头之歌Dry Bones.mp3
1014.加农炮The Wabash Cannonball.mp3
1015.我们来跳舞 Brother, Come and Dance With Me.mp3
1016.小青蛙结婚Froggie Went A-Courtin'.mp3
1017.大糖果山Big Rock Candy Mountain.mp3
1019.你是我的阳光You Are My Sunshine.mp3
1020.快乐进行曲Funiculi, Funicula.mp3
1021.卡车夫老丹 Old Dan Tucker.mp3
1022.小小世界It's a Small World.mp3
1024.我的桶有个洞There's a Hole in My Bucket.mp3
1025.海贝与蚌壳Cockles and Mussels.mp3
1026.我是一个小茶壶 I'm a Little Teapot.mp3
1027.越过麦田Comin' Through the Rye.mp3
1028.走开,小牛犊 Git Along, Little Dogies.mp3
1029.鲁班与瑞秋Reuben and Rachel.mp3
1030.世界就在他手中He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.mp3
1031.童谣组曲Nursery Rhyme Medley--Hickory Dickory Dock-Jack and Jill-Jack Be Nimble.mp3
1032.车站Down by the Station.mp3
1033.在圣路易与我碰面Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis.mp3
1034.神奇的玩具The Marvelous Toy.mp3
1035.从窗口进出Go in and Out the Window.mp3
1036.米老鼠进行曲Mickey Mouse March.mp3
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